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Events at the Gallery


Auto Enthusiasts!

The Great Race is coming to Gardiner, Sunday, June 30th


These commemorative Limited Edition posters featuring art by Paloma Costell, will be available at the Gallery mid-June while supplies last. 13"x19", $15 ea.


To purchase a poster, please email

Showing through July 13, 2024


Iconic Glimpses of Our Nation's Past

Works by El and Paloma Costell

Installation by Thekla Jubinville


This interactive exhibition aims to challenge visitors' perceptions and encourage a thoughtful reflection on what it means to be American.

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Showing through July 13, 2024

Edge of Land

Works by El and Paloma Costell

Mixed metal sculpture by Nick Grant

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Friday, December 1st, 5-8:30pm

Proud sponsor and participant in 

ArtWalk Gardiner Fall 2023

Local artists & artisans, local music & refreshments


Also Showing through July 13, 2024


Blueberry Barrens of Maine

Works by El and Paloma Costell


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Retrospective Maine 

Works by Paloma Costell 

Local landscapes in oils, pastels and watercolor.


Hi-Hat, pastel on paper, Paloma Costell



Works by El Costell 



A collection of small paintings depicting the cacti which El admired while in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. All of the subjects in these paintings were rescued plants from various construction sites where they would have been destroyed. With much care, the botanists at the gardens of El Charco de Ingenio, nursed these beauties back to life.



Sat. Oct. 7 & Sun. Oct. 8, 12-5pm

Proud participant in 

Maine Craft Weekend

Join us for cider/snacks and open studio


Friday, December 2nd, 5-8:30pm

Proud participant in 

ArtWalk Gardiner Fall 2022

Local artists & artisans, local music & refreshments


Friday, May 19th, 5-8:30pm

Proud participant in 

ArtWalk Gardiner Spring 2023

Local artists & artisans, local music & refreshments



Friday, August 18th, 5-8:30pm

Proud sponsor and participant in 

ArtWalk Gardiner Summer 2023

Local artists & artisans, local music & refreshments


July - December 2022 

American Dream?
We had it all — and we broke it.

Now what do we do with it? 

Read a new Declaration



View abstract-realism through El Costell's latest exhibit, American Dream?




Detail - NM 1, oil & mixed media on panel



Discussion Groups 



Wed. Oct. 19 & Tues. Nov 15, 6-8pm  


A gathering of creative minds to discuss El's current exhibit: American Dream?

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Sat. Oct. 1 & Sun. Oct. 2, 2022, 12-8pm

Proud participant in 

Maine Craft Weekend

Join us for cider/snacks and open studio


Breath, by  El Costell


Friday, August 19, 5-8:30pm

Proud participant in 

ArtWalk Gardiner Summer 2022

Local artists & artisans, local music & refreshments

Join us for a mead tasting, compliments of

Run Amok Mead of West Gardiner 

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Shel's Song,  linoleum print on paper, El Costell





Tribute to the Sunflower 

Works by El Costell 


El has had a fascination with sunflowers since the beginning of her career, painting them abstractly as well as realistically. Rising is a progression of this work over a span of 30 years.



Saturday, June 18, 2022

Proud to be participating in 

Growing Gardiner: A Summer Family Festival

Activities downtown 8am-4pm


Come by the Gallery and learn how to make an origami peace crane in support of Ukraine and all war-torn countries.





Author Book Reading:

Friday, July 30, 2021

A Midwinter Night’s Murder

Accidents, Will, Happen

An Original, Made in Maine with a Heart in London

by KWilbur 



Author KWibur

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